Journal of Orthopaedic Complications
First Issue of Journal of Orthopaedic Complications Launched
Journal of Orthopaedic Complications
Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2016
Journal of Orthopaedic Complications – an Ode to Brave Academics
Dr Ashok Shyam
(Abstract Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Complications-Our Best teachers
Dr Murali Poduval
(Abstract Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Orthopaedic Complications in Clinical Practice
Dr Kiran Kharat
(Abstract Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
See full Table of Content : Click Here
Dear Friends ,
We are announcing the launch of a new Journal named “Journal of Orthopaedic Complications”. This quarterly (print and online), peer-reviewed journal will publish Complications associated with Musculoskeletal clinical practice. Complications are one of the most important events in career of an Orthopaedic Surgeons. Complications and Complex and complicated cases provide an opportunity to learn practical points about patient management and lead to continuous improvement in our surgical skills and clinical decision making. Journal of Orthopaedic Complications is First of its kind Journal where a complete journal is dedicated to Complications and complex cases. The submission format is kept very simple and practical and accepted articles will be in form of case reports, case series, original articles, technical notes and also metanalysis and systematic review of literature with complications or complicated cases in focus.
The main Focus of JOC will be Complications and answering various aspects of them like
What went wrong?
How to prevent it?
How to manage this complications?
What are various ways of avoiding complications?
How to approach a Complex case to minimise complications?
In addition the Journal will include many focused and novel features including those listed below:
GUEST EDITORIALS, INTERVIEWS & EXPERT OPINIONS: These will be invited from eminent clinician/researcher who have vast experience with complications and complicated cases
CASE REPORT: A single case that highlights a particular complication along with treatment stratergy and methods of prevention of complication
ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Original articles on any study focused on complications of a surgical or nonsurgical treatment modality
TECHNICAL NOTES: Specific technical tricks and pearls or improvisations during surgery or conservative management of a
patient can be published in a more pictorial form including videos and graphic diagrams
CASE IMAGE: Only a single image of a complicated case can spark a full fledged discussion about cause of complication, prevention and treatment of it. This section will aim to publish such images with detailed descriptions of the case
COMPLEX & COMPLICATED CASES: A primarily complex or complicated cases which is difficult to manage with multiple factors in clinical decision making. Management protocol with decision making flowchart will be included in this
CASE STUDY: The other spectrum to primary complex case is multiply operated case that now presents with unique decision making scenarios which are complex and need personalized thought process and management plan. Most focus will be on the rationale of management and ultimate result. Patient perspective will also form a part of every case study
COMPLICATION BANK: this special section will publish every complex and complicated case associated with orthopaedic surgery. Authors can send any case with complications [known or unknown; common or uncommon] for publication in this section. This need not be with details of follow up of the case. The idea is to create a database of complications associated with various orthopaedic surgeries and diseases. A single page write up of less than 1000 words will be accepted.
LITERATURE REVIEW: In form of special review, metanalysis or systematic reviews focussed on one particular complications or complicated cases.
JOURNAL REVIEW: A review of articles related to orthopaedic complications that are published in last one month in other Journals
LETTER TO EDITOR: On any topic or article that is published in the journal. Readers can share their own similar cases as published in the Journal
Read Scope of the Journal for more details [CLICK HERE]
JOC Editors
Dr Murali Poduval, Dr Ashok Shyam
Contact JOC: email: